Imagine your small business had someone who could help you make smarter decisions, save money on taxes, and even obtain loans. That person would probably be a pretty valuable part of your business. The good news is you can partner with someone who can do those things and more. A certified public accountant, also known as a CPA, is an accountant by trade but a valuable business consultant in reality. There are nearly 670,000 CPAs who are actively licensed, according to the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy. CPAs help their clients make smart, informed financial decisions so they can grow their businesses and increase their profits. Below are a few ways a CPA can help you grow your own company.
When you think of an accountant, the first thing you probably think of is filing a tax return. Taxes are a big part of an accountant's business. Your CPA can help you identify deductions, credits, and other strategies that can reduce your tax liability. They can also advise you on strategies throughout the year on things like payroll, purchases, investments, and much more as well as how those decisions could impact your tax bill.
Do you know how profitable your business is? Do you know how certain decisions could affect your business's profitability? Many business owners are so busy running their businesses that they don't have time to dig into the financials. The result is that they are in the dark about the business's revenue, expenses, profits, and more. An accountant can shine a light on those metrics and help you gain a better understanding of your business so you can make smarter decisions.
Financing is a critical part of growing any business. A loan or investment can allow you to hire employees, purchase materials, expand capacity, and more. Obtaining funding is easier said than done, though. A CPA can help you clean up your financials and strengthen your position so you can obtain a loan at competitive rates. They can advise you on strategies that can make you more profitable, strengthen your balance sheet, and much more.
Ready to grow your business? Contact Brittany L Montrois CPA today. We can help you better understand your financial position and make decisions that make you more profitable.
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